Comments on: Shuffleboard Powder: What to Know About This Magical Dust? A Beginner's Guide to the Best Bar Games Thu, 19 Oct 2023 09:22:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: Will Johnson Thu, 25 Jul 2019 00:29:43 +0000 ZieglerWorld Table Shuffleboard Sand works best. The Gold sand product provides a good speed on a long table and fast speed on a shorter table. They also have a sampler pack!

By: James Oudbier Fri, 28 Jun 2019 18:09:13 +0000 What I am looking for is a mixture that the snow birds put on the outdoor shuffleboard courts in Arizona. I know bird seed is part of it but I would like the recipe.

By: Brian Wed, 08 Aug 2018 14:19:30 +0000 5 gallon shopvac with a good filter. Suck it up once a week. Get a good size strainer. We got at a restaurant store. Pour powder through strainer and then use a funnel to fill cans. Works great.

-22ft board;silicone/meal mix

By: Katherine Torok Mon, 11 Jun 2018 23:56:52 +0000 Plase guide me
I started playing indoors ( ballroom ) at a community centre they don’t use any gliding it’s extremely hard if we would spray the disk with silicone can it get slippery unsafe for the line dancers ? Please have a suggestion I love the game Thanks a million Katy

By: Tony Sat, 14 Apr 2018 16:44:52 +0000 hi is there a tool that I can use to even distribute the powder on the table? I’ve noticed it is heavier in some areas vs others

By: Will Tue, 20 Feb 2018 13:57:55 +0000 In reply to Norman Noordhof.

Hi Norman –

Yes, that can be annoying. A grain sifter might work well to remove some of the hair or dust. At a certain point the powder becomes too dirty and you just need to replace with fresh powder. But using a large sifter might allow you to recycle used powder longer. Here are some antique grain sifters for inspiration:

By: Norman Noordhof Mon, 19 Feb 2018 19:48:15 +0000 Is it possible to clean or sift the powder that you scoop out of the gutters before you re-use it? It always seems to accumulate bits of dust or hair or whatever.
